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AP-PCR Analysis for Mitochondria DNA of CMS Rice Honglian Type
WANG Li, YI Ping, WAN Cui-Xiang, ZHU Ying-Guo
2002, 20(6): 405-408.
Abstract PDF
Ovule Development in Citrus grandis cv. Guanximiyou and Duweimiyou under Selfing and Crossing Conditions
WANG Ping, L&#, Liu-Xin, XUE Yong-Biao, LI Zhou-Qi, CHEN Gui-Xin
2002, 20(6): 409-412.
Abstract PDF
Characteristics of Reference in Classifying Fossil Plants of Genera Metasequoia and Sequoia by Epidermal Features
MA Qing-Wen, LI Cheng-Sen
2002, 20(6): 413-416.
Abstract PDF
Changes of Ca2+ Distribution in Root Apical Meristematic Cells of Wheat under Cadmium Stress
HE Yu-Qing, WANG Bing-Rui, WANG Jian-Bo
2002, 20(6): 417-420.
Abstract PDF
Cymbidium rhizomatosum,A New Species of Orchidaceae from Yunnan,China
LIU Zhong-Jian, CHEN Sing-Chi
2002, 20(6): 421-423.
Abstract PDF
Some New Recorded Plants of Dryopteris Adanson from Hubei
LIU Song-Bai, LI Jian-Qiang, WANG Ying-Ming, WANG Heng-Chang, LI Xiao-Dong
2002, 20(6): 425-426.
Abstract PDF
A New Species of the Genus Spirogyra from Guizhou,China
GOU Guang-Qian
2002, 20(6): 427-428.
Abstract PDF
Studies on the Vertical Distribution of Mosses in Mt. Jiugongshan,Hubei,China
ZHENG Gui-Ling, LIU Sheng-Xiang, CHEN Gui-Ying, WANG Chang-Li, CHEN Niu
2002, 20(6): 429-432.
Abstract PDF
A Study on the Flora of Dajinshan Island in Shanghai,China
YANG Yong-Chuan, DA Liang-Jun, QIN Xiang-Kun
2002, 20(6): 433-437.
Abstract PDF
Determination of the Minimum Sampling Area for Mid-subtropical Evergreen Broad-leaf Forest (Castanopsis carlesii Forest) in Fujian Province,China
YOU Shui-Sheng, WANG Xiao-Ming, WANG Hai-Wei
2002, 20(6): 438-442.
Abstract PDF
The Characteristics of Tree Layer Structure of the Rare Plant Community in Houhe Nature Reserve
TIAN Yu-Qiang, LI Xin, HU Li-Le, HUANG Han-Dong, JIANG Ming-Xi
2002, 20(6): 443-448.
Abstract PDF
Induction of Polyploid from Colchicine-Treated Fritillaria cirrhosa D.Don Callus
WANG Qiang, LAN Li-Qiong, FU Hua-Long
2002, 20(6): 449-452.
Abstract PDF
Comparative Studies on the Chemical Composition and Vigour of Pollens of Populus euphratica and Populus pruinosa
LI Zhi-Jun, YU Jun, XU Chong-Zhi, XU Ya-Li, DUAN Huang-Jin
2002, 20(6): 453-456.
Abstract PDF
The Peroxidase Isoenzymes of Suspending Culture Cells of Cotton Induced by the Oligosaccharins from Verticillium dahliae
LIU Man-Xi, JING Ying-Jun
2002, 20(6): 457-462.
Abstract PDF
Study on Adsorption of Skikonin Derivatives with Macroporous Resin
KANG Qiang-Sheng, LI Hong-Lin, GONG Fu-Jun, YUAN Ping, LU Da-Yan
2002, 20(6): 463-466.
Abstract PDF
Antiinflammatory Activity of the Extracts of Ramulus mori
WANG Rong, LU Xiao-Cong, WANG You-Wei
2002, 20(6): 467-469.
Abstract PDF
New Viewpoints on the Species of Xinyi and Mulan
FU Da-Li
2002, 20(6): 471-476.
Abstract PDF
Preliminary Study on Quercus stewardii Community in Dabie Mt. of Anhui Province
XIANG Sheng-Qi, SONG Zhen-Wei, ZHUANG Jun, LI Qian, PEI Shan-Shan, LI Li
2002, 20(6): 477-480.
Abstract PDF
Design and Establishment of a Query System for the Families and Genera of Aquatic Plants in the World
ZHANG Run-Juan, LI Wei
2002, 20(6): 481-484.
Abstract PDF