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Construction of the DNA Fingerprinting in Nelumbo
HAN YAN-Chuang, DIAO Ying, ZHOU Li, LIU Jing-Yu, ZHOU Ming-Quan, HU Zhong-Li, SONG Yun-Chun
2004, 22(3): 193-196.
Abstract PDF
Measurement of Self-incompatible by Fluoroscope Observation in Non-heading Chinese Cabbage
SHI Gong-Jun, HOU Xi-Lin
2004, 22(3): 197-200.
Abstract PDF
Study on Transformation of Insecticidal Bacillus thuringiensis cryIAc Gene in Pepper
YUAN Jing, SHU Qing-Yao, LIU Zhong-Lai
2004, 22(3): 201-204.
Abstract PDF
Three New Species of Cyanophyta from Jilin Province,China
XIU Jin, LIN Yi-Meng, XIAO Hong-Xing
2004, 22(3): 205-207.
Abstract PDF
Studies of Freshwater Audouinella(Acrochaetiales,Rhodophyta)from China
XIE Shu-Lian, SHI Zhi-Xin
2004, 22(3): 209-212.
Abstract PDF
The Floristic Characteristics of A’nyemaqen Mountains Area in Qinghai Provice,China
WU Yu-Hu
2004, 22(3): 213-225.
Abstract PDF
Study on the Flora Comparison of Partial Areas in China
YAN Shuang-Xi, YANG Qiu-Sheng, WANG Peng-Fei, LIU Qiu-Yuan, JIN Hong
2004, 22(3): 226-230.
Abstract PDF
Study on the Flora of Wulingyuan Nature Reserve Seed Plant,Hunan Province
LIAO Bo-Ru, WU Ming-Yu, DAI Ling-Peng, NIE Ran
2004, 22(3): 231-239.
Abstract PDF
Leaf Photosynthetic and Anatomic Acclimation of Four Tropical Rainforest Tree Species to Different Growth Light Conditions
GUO Yu-Hua, CAI Zhi-Quan, CAO Kun-Fang, Wang Wei-Ling
2004, 22(3): 240-244.
Abstract PDF
Changes of Endogenous Hormone Contents of Different Partsduring Development of Water Bamboo(Zizania latifolia)
JIANG Jie-Zeng, QIU Jie-Juan, HAN Xiu-Qin, CAO Bei-Sheng, ZHU Qing-Sen
2004, 22(3): 245-250.
Abstract PDF
Study on Variation and Covariation Pattern of Seedling Nutrient Concentrations within and between Populations of Arabidopsis pumila
LIU Tong, LI Xue-Yu, XIANG Qi-Bo, REN Li-Tong, PAN Zhi-Bin
2004, 22(3): 251-258.
Abstract PDF
Effects of Storage Time on Germination Percentage and Protective Enzymes Activity of Ginkgo biloba L. Pollen
ZHAO Wen-Fei, XING Shi-Yan, JIANG Yong-Xu, DU Cheng-Tao
2004, 22(3): 259-263.
Abstract PDF
Distribution of UV in Waters of Meiliang Bay,Lake Tai and Measurement of MAAs in Algae
YANG Ding-Tian, CHEN Wei-Min, ZHANG Yun-Lin, LIU Zheng-Wen
2004, 22(3): 264-268.
Abstract PDF
The Cytomorphology Study of Anther Abortion in Male-Sterile Lines of Hong Cai-tai(Brassica campestris L.ssp.chinensis L.var.utilis Tsen et Lee.)
TIAN Fu-Fa, XU Yue-Jin, YUAN Li, CHEN Jian-Jun
2004, 22(3): 269-272.
Abstract PDF
Effects on Changes of Dominating Pigment Contents in Peel of Cara Cara(Citrus sinensis Osbesk)and Fruit Colouring after Exogenous ABA and GA3 Treatments
WANG Gui-Yuan, XIA Ren-Xue, ZHOU Kai-Bing
2004, 22(3): 273-276.
Abstract PDF