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Xia Renxue, Peng Shuang, Chen Guilin, Hu Shiquan. STUDIES ON THE FACTORS INFLUENCING POLLEN GERMINATION OF CASTANEA MOLLISSIMA BL.[J]. Plant Science Journal, 1989, 7(4): 351-355.
Citation: Xia Renxue, Peng Shuang, Chen Guilin, Hu Shiquan. STUDIES ON THE FACTORS INFLUENCING POLLEN GERMINATION OF CASTANEA MOLLISSIMA BL.[J]. Plant Science Journal, 1989, 7(4): 351-355.


More Information
  • Received Date: July 30, 1987
  • Revised Date: December 31, 1899
  • Published Date: November 25, 1989
  • Seedling chestnut trees of 25 years old were used as test material and the effects of sucrose, boric acid, temperature and agar on chestnut pollen germination were studied. The results showed that the culture medium containing 5%—7.5% sucrose and 700—1100 ppm boric acid, under 34—36℃, was the best for chestnut pollen germination. Water solution containing sucrose only also made definite germination percentage of the pollen with definite length of pollen tube. Addition of boric acid in the cultural medium could accelerate the time of germination and pollen tube growth.
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