The Role of Arabidopsis AtDAD1 in the Tolerance to Hydrogen Peroxide Stress
Graphical Abstract
In this research,the differences between wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana and the AtDAD1 overexpression type in their tolerance to high dosages of H2O2 were compared.The diversity on their phenotype from the germination to ripeness was also observed.The results demonstrated that the overexpression of AtDAD1 conferred the transgenic plant more resistant to H2O2 stress.It is also be found that the sugar content in leaves of transgenic plant is much higher than that in wild-type Arabidopsis leaves.Since many lines of evidence have proved that H2O2 is a factor leading to programmed cell death (PCD) and sugar is important for leaf senescence and cell death,it was inferred that AtDAD1 maybe have some effect on Arabidopsis resistance to PCD.