Citation: | Liu MW,Zhao CM,Chen CL,Xu K,Xu WT,Xiong GM,Ge JL,Deng Y,Shen GZ,Xie ZQ. Species composition and community structure of broad-leaved evergreen forests of Cyclobalanopsis myrsinifolia Blume+Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon Miq. on the southern slopes of Shennongjia[J]. Plant Science Journal,2024,42(6):737−747. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.24011 |
This study established a 1-hm2 fixed plot for dynamic monitoring of broad-leaved evergreen forest on the southern slopes of Shennongjia to examine the species composition, floristic characteristics, vertical structure, diameter class structure, and spatial distribution pattern of this community. Results revealed high species richness, with a total of 216 vascular plant species identified, belonging to 78 families and 154 genera. Of these, 107 species were woody plants with a diameter at breast height (DBH)≥1 cm, distributed across 38 families and 69 genera. In terms of floristic composition, families and genera with tropical distribution accounted for 50.00% and 40.58% of the total, respectively, while those with temperate distribution accounted for 34.21% and 53.63%, respectively. Evergreen tree species accounted for 55.14% (59 species), while deciduous tree species accounted for 44.86% (48 species), with the dominance, basal area, and importance values of evergreen tree species being 82.23%, 64.79%, and 73.03%, respectively. Occasional species accounted for 33.64% (36 species) and rare species accounted for 8.41% (nine species). The vertical structure of the community was well-defined, with distinct tree, shrub, and herb layers, each exhibiting high species richness. The diameter class structure exhibited a reverse "J" shape, indicative of a growth-type community. Spatially, dominant species showed varying degrees of clustered distribution. This study indicated that the importance value of evergreen tree species in the community was significantly higher than that of deciduous tree species, belonging to the Cyclobalanopsis myrsinifolia Blume+Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon Miq. community, representing a typical evergreen broad-leaved forest in the region. The floristic composition reflects the characteristics of Shennongjia as the boundary between the subtropical and north subtropical zones. The community demonstrates robust regenerative capability, indicating a successional trajectory toward climax evergreen broad-leaved forests.
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