对丹参EST序列进行Blast分析,获得了一条病程相关蛋白10(Pathogenesis-related protein 10,PR-10)基因,命名为:SmPR-10(GenBank注册号:HM439764)。分别从cDNA和gDNA水平克隆得到该基因,其序列无内含子,包含一个长为486bp的完整开放读码框,编码161个氨基酸残基。生物信息学分析显示,SmPR-10所编码的蛋白SmPR-10具有Betv1结构域,属于病程相关蛋白10家族,其相对分子量为17.47kD,为稳定的酸蛋白;无信号肽、膜锚定或跨膜结构域,为亲水性蛋白。实时定量PCR结果分析表明,SmPR-10基因主要在丹参茎中表达,其表达受到病原菌和茉莉酸甲酯逆境信号的诱导,显示SmPR-10基因可能在植物防御反应中发挥作用。
After analysis of Salvia miltiorrhiza EST sequences,one sequence was found had high homology with pathogenesis-related protein 10.The cDNA and DNA sequence of the gene were cloned and named as SmPR-10(GenBank accession number:HM439764).SmPR-10 without intron contained a single opening reading frame of 486 bp encoding 161 amino acid-peptides.SmPR-10 had a Bet v1 domain and was classed into the pathogenesis-related protein 10 family according to its sequence.Bioinformatics showed that the putative protein was a stable acidic protein with a predicted molecular weight of 17.47 kD.There were no signal peptides and transmembrane domains in SmPR-10.The Quantitative RT-PCR results revealed that SmPR-10 was expressed in different organs of S.miltiorrhiza,and could be induced by methyl jasmonate and pathogen.This suggested that SmPR-10 may be involved in plant defenses.