

Plant Species Dynamic Distribution in the Water-Level-Fluctuating Zone of the Main Stream and Bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir

  • 摘要: 对三峡水库干流和库湾消落区的植被物种分布进行了本底调查,结果显示,目前水库消落区维管植物共有61科169属231种,以草本植物居多,其中一年生草本105种,多年生草本75种。与2001年三峡工程建成前的自然消落区维管植物(83科240属405种)相比,科减少了26.51%,属减少了29.58%,种减少了42.96%。从植被物种分布上来看,川江段和峡江段差异明显,人类活动对消落区植被物种分布存在较大影响,微地形的复杂程度和实验基地的设立能够对本土植被保护起到一定作用。


    Abstract: A plant species distribution survey from the Water-Level-Fluctuating Zone(WLFZ) in the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR) was carried out in the present field study.A total of 231 species,belong to 61 families and 169 genera,were found.Most vegetation were herbaceous plants including 105 annual herb species and 75 perennial herb species.Compared with the pre-dam riparian plant species(some 405 species of 240 genera belong to 83 families) in 2001,the decreased ratio of plant families,genera,and species of post-dam riparian vegetation in 2009 are 26.51%,29.58%,and 42.96%,respectively.Obvious differences in vegetation distribution were found between the Chuan-River area(from Chongqing to Fengjie) and the Gorge-River area(from Fengjie to Zigui).Human activities have had great impact on the vegetation distribution of the Water-Level-Fluctuating Zone.The structure of micro-topography and the construction of an experiment base may help protect the native vegetation.


