

陈玉凯, 杨小波, 李东海, 农寿千, 吕晓波, 吕洁杰, 杨民, 李小成

陈玉凯, 杨小波, 李东海, 农寿千, 吕晓波, 吕洁杰, 杨民, 李小成. 海南霸王岭海南油杉群落优势种群的种间联结性研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2011, 29(3): 278-287.
引用本文: 陈玉凯, 杨小波, 李东海, 农寿千, 吕晓波, 吕洁杰, 杨民, 李小成. 海南霸王岭海南油杉群落优势种群的种间联结性研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2011, 29(3): 278-287.
CHEN Yu-Kai, YANG Xiao-Bo, LI Dong-Hai, NONG Shou-Qian, LU Xiao-Bo, LU Jie-Jie, YANG Min, LI Xiao-Cheng. Interspecific Associations among Dominant Plant Populations in Keteleeria hainanensis Communities in Bawangling,Hainan Island[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2011, 29(3): 278-287.
Citation: CHEN Yu-Kai, YANG Xiao-Bo, LI Dong-Hai, NONG Shou-Qian, LU Xiao-Bo, LU Jie-Jie, YANG Min, LI Xiao-Cheng. Interspecific Associations among Dominant Plant Populations in Keteleeria hainanensis Communities in Bawangling,Hainan Island[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2011, 29(3): 278-287.



    李东海, E-mail: dhlye@163.com

Interspecific Associations among Dominant Plant Populations in Keteleeria hainanensis Communities in Bawangling,Hainan Island

  • 摘要: 基于2×2联列表,应用X2统计量、共同出现百分率、联结系数和多物种关联指数为参数,研究分析了海南油杉(Keteleeria hainanensis)所在群落19个主要种群的种间联结性特征。结果表明,19个主要种群在总体水平上表现为不显著的正联结。19个种群组成的171个种对中,有87对表现为正关联,82对为负关联,2对无关联。X2检验有6对表现显著或极显著正关联,有5对表现显著或极显著负关联。有144个种对0<PC<40%,仅有21个种对PC≥40%,另有6个种对PC=0,表明171对种对中,只有少数种对存在显著的相关性,大多数种对联结关系未达到显著水平,种对间相关性较弱。种间正联结性越强,其生态位重叠值越大;种间负联结性越强,其生态位重叠值越小。不同优势种群下的种间联结性存在一定的差异,而以红椆(Lithocarpus fenzelianus)、海南油杉等为优势种群的群落正负关联比例较高,种间联结性较高,群落结构较稳定。总体上,海南油杉与九节(Psychot riarubra)存在最大的正联结关系。
    Abstract: Based on 2×2 contingency tables,a series of parameters including X2 test,percentage of co-occurrence(PC),association coefficient(AC) and variance ratio(VR) were used to analyze the characteristics of interspecific associations among nineteen main plant populations in Keteleeria hainanensis communities.The results showed the association was nonsignificant positive correlation among the nineteen main populations.Among the 171 species pairs,87 pairs were positively correlated,82 pairs were negatively correlated,and 2 pairs showed no correlation.The X2 test indicated that six positively correlated pairs and five negatively correlated pairs were significant or very significant.The percentage co-occurrence(PC) value for 144 species pairs was less than 40 percent,for 21 species pairs was equal or more than 40 percent,and for 6 species pairs was 0,indicating that a relatively low correlation existed among these species pairs.The more intense the positive association,the larger the value of niche overlap.The more intense the negative association,the smaller the value of niche overlap.In different dominant tree populations,the interspecific associations were different,but in the dominant species of Lithocarpus fenzelianus and K.hainanensis,the community showed high interspecific association and was more stable.Overall,K.hainanensis had the largest positive association with Psychotria rubra.
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  • 收稿日期:  2010-09-07
  • 修回日期:  2010-11-13
  • 发布日期:  2011-06-27


