Light yellow-green calli were formed from young stem explants of
Cnidium monnieri cultured on MS medium containing 2mg/L 2,4-D,0.2mg/L KT and 1000mg/LH.The calli were cultured on MS medi-um supplemented with 0.2mg/L2,4-D,0.4mg/L ZT and 1000mg/LCH,embryogenic calli were obtained.On MS medium supplemented with 0.2mg/L NAA and 0.8mg/L ZT, prolonged culture of the embryogenic calli resulted in embryoids formation.Germination of the embryoids into plantlets was achieved on MS medium added 0.5mg/L NAA.Section of speciments for microscopy showed that the embryoids were originated from the periphery or the interior of embryogenic calli.