
具尾蓝隐藻(Chroomonas caudata Geitler)研究──Ⅱ.藻蓝蛋白(Phycocyanin)的初步分析

STUDIES ON CHROOMONAS CAUDATA GEITLER──Ⅱ. A preliminary analysis of the phycocyanin

  • 摘要: 初步分析了具尾蓝隐藻(Chroomonas caudata Geitler)的藻蓝蛋白,其吸收光谱为一双峰曲线,两个吸收峰分别为590nm和640nm。按A.N.Glazer等关于隐藻藻蓝蛋白分型的意见,具尾蓝隐藻的藻蓝蛋白属于Ⅱ型PC-645。


    Abstract: A kind of phycocyanin is extracted from Chroomonas caudata Ceitler (Cryptophyta). The result of the preliminary analysis indicated that the absorption spectrum of phycocyanin has two peaks at 590 nm and 640 nm respectively. According to Glazer opinium about cryptomonad phycocyanin divided type,phycocyanin of Chroomonas caudata Geitler belongs to the cryptomonad PC-645 Ⅱ type.


