本文研究了关帝山东坡海拔1700m处的黄刺玫灌丛的群落结构及其生物量,并探讨了生物量与群落结构、动态演替和群落性质的关系。灌丛的生物量是用回归模型来预测的,其为:黄刺玫 W枝=2.5289(D2H)1.8988,W叶=0.1521(D2H)1.9236,W根=1.9884(D2H)1.9304;沙棘W枝=0.2993(D2H)2.1344,W叶=0.1988(D2H)2.1332,W根=2.0269(D2H)1.6113;其余灌木和草本植物用实测数据估算。最后得出,6月份黄刺玫灌丛的总生物量为6.231t/ha,其中灌木层4.867t/ha,草本层1.364 t/ha。
In this paper, the community structure of Rosa xanthina Lindl.f.normalis Rehd et Wils scrub and its biomass in the eastern exposure of Guandi Mountain, Shanxi Province, at an altitude of 1700m is investigated, and relationship among the hiomass and the community structure, dynamic suceession, community property is discussed. The biomass of scrub is predicated by using regression model, they are: R. xanthina w(shoot)= 2.5289(D2H)1.8988, w((leaves)=0.1521(D2H)1.9236, w(root)=1.9884(D2H)1.9304; Hippophae rhamnoides L.Suhsp scnensis Rousi w(shoot)=0.2993(D2H)2.1344, W(leaves)=0.1988(D2H)2.1332, w(root)=2.0269(D2H)1.6113, in addition to this, the biomass of other shrubs and herbs is estimated by utilizing practical measured data in field Thus, the total biomass of scrub is 6.231 t/ha, including the shrab layer 4.867 t/ha, the herb layer 1.364 t/ha, in June.