研究了受加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)入侵的半自然林地的植物物种多样性变化,以期揭示该入侵植物对物种多样性的直接影响规律。结果显示,加拿大一枝黄花对林地的入侵造成了植物多样性的下降,入侵区植物的多样性指数小于对照区和只有少量加拿大一枝黄花入侵的蔓延区,而对照区和蔓延区之间并无显著差异。植物多样性指数和群落均匀度指数在不同季节间存在较大变化:多样性指数从4月到11月呈现下降趋势,而从1月份开始多样性指数开始升高。加拿大一枝黄花入侵对物种多样性的影响在6月到10月份最为严重,这可能是由于这段时间该入侵植物通过旺盛的克隆生长侵占了大部分生境排挤了土著植物。可见,虽然在林下的生长受抑,加拿大一枝黄花仍可能通过克隆繁殖占据生境,造成林地植物多样性的下降。
The effects of invasion by Solidago canadensis on plant species diversity in semi-natural woodland were studied.Results showed that plant diversity of the woodland decreased with severe invasion by S.canadensis.No significant differences were found between the control plot and the spreading plot(where the coverage of S.canadensis was less than 40%);nevertheless,Simpson index,Shannon-Wiener index,and evenness index of the control plot and spreading plot were higher than the invaded plot(where the coverage of S.canadensis was more than 70%).Plant species diversity varied greatly among the different plots in different seasons.Simpson index and the Shannon-Wiener index decreased linearly from April to November 2009,but increased again in January 2010.From June to October 2009,plant diversity suffered the most damage from the invasion of S.canadensis as its rapid vegetative propa-gation capacity played a key role in successfully competing with indigenous plants for limited resources.This notorious invasive plant caused severe and negative effects on plant diversity in woodlands by conquering habitat through high vegetative propagation,in spite of the limitation of growth under woodlands.