

Mapping of QTLs Controlling Grain Plumpness of Rice Using Doubled Haploid Lines

  • 摘要: 籽粒充实度较差是当前水稻亚种间杂种优势利用中所面临的最大障碍之一。研究采用籼粳交(圭630×02428)来源的DH群体对水稻籽粒充实度进行QTL分析,检测到1个主效应QTL(qGP-7),该QTL位于第7染色体RZ978~RG404a~RG404c区间的大约26cM的染色体区段上,对籽粒充实度的贡献率为10%~15%。发现了2对"加性×加性"效应的互作QTL,对籽粒充实度的贡献率皆为20%左右,表明QTL的上位性是控制籽粒充实度的重要遗传基础之一。还对亚种间杂交稻育种中"以饱攻饱"的亲本选配策略作了讨论。


    Abstract: Composite interval mapping was conducted to map both main-effect and digenic epista-(tic) loci for grain plumpness using a doubled haploid population derived from a indica/japonica cross.One main-effect QTL (qGP-7) for the trait was located onto a 26 cM chromosomal region marked by RZ978RG404aRG404c on chromosome 7.This QTL explained 10%-15% of the phenotypic variation.Two pairs of interactions were identified,each accounting for about 20% of the phenotypic variation,suggesting the importance of epistasis as genetic factor of the trait.


