The chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 9 species of 5 genera of ChineseLauraceae plants were reported. Seven species of these were first reported on their chromosome numbers. The results of karyotype analysis are:
Cinnamoum camphora 20 m +4 sm;
C. longepaniculatum 20 m + 4 sm;
Lindera megaphylla 18 m (2SAT) + 6 sm;
L.cubeba 16 m+8 sm;
L. communis 22 m+2 sm;
L. pulcherrima 20 m+ 2 sm+2 st(SAT);
Actinodaphne cuplaris 22m +2 sm;
Phoebe zhennana 18 m + 6 sm (4SAT);
Nothaphoebe cavaleriei 24 m. There were distinct differences between genera of. Lauraceae plants in their karyotypes. Four types, lA, ZA, IB, ZB, were found in five genera. 1B karyotype is rarely reported in plant.