

张丹, 杨柳, 李本红, 白琳, 丁开宇, 王跃华

张丹, 杨柳, 李本红, 白琳, 丁开宇, 王跃华. 云南产四种伞形科植物的核型[J]. 植物科学学报, 2010, 28(5): 540-543.
引用本文: 张丹, 杨柳, 李本红, 白琳, 丁开宇, 王跃华. 云南产四种伞形科植物的核型[J]. 植物科学学报, 2010, 28(5): 540-543.
ZHANG Dan, YANG Liu, LI Ben-Hong, BAI Ling, DING Kai-Yu, WANG Yue-Hua. The Karyotypes of Four Species of Apiaceae from Yunnan,China[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2010, 28(5): 540-543.
Citation: ZHANG Dan, YANG Liu, LI Ben-Hong, BAI Ling, DING Kai-Yu, WANG Yue-Hua. The Karyotypes of Four Species of Apiaceae from Yunnan,China[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2010, 28(5): 540-543.



    丁开宇(1963- ),男,教授,研究方向为植物学。

  • 中图分类号: Q949.763.3

The Karyotypes of Four Species of Apiaceae from Yunnan,China

  • 摘要: 采用常规制片方法观察了云南产杏叶茴芹(Pimpinella candolleana)、细软茴芹(Pimpinella flaccida)、圆锥丝瓣芹(Acronema paniculatum)和中国特有属植物云南细裂芹(Harrysmithia dissecta)根尖细胞的染色体组成。发现这4种植物的染色体数目都是18,除了杏叶茴芹核型公式为2n=2sm+16st,其他3种都为2n=18st。由此认为茴芹属、丝瓣芹属和细裂芹属不仅具有相同的染色体基数9,且染色体形态极其相似,是亲缘关系较近的类群,支持将其置于葛缕子亚族的分类处理,但怀疑细裂芹属之属的分类地位。
    Abstract: Chromosome complements in cells of seedling root tips of Harrysmithia dissecta(a sole species belonging to the genus endemic to China),Pimpinella candolleana,Pimpinella flaccida,and Acronema paniculatum were surveyed.All four species had 18 chromosomes in each cell,and their karyotypic formulas were 2n=2x=18st,except for P.candolleana which was 2n=2sm+16st.Harrysmithia,Pimpinella,and Acronema not only have the same basic chromosome number,but also possess a similar karyotype.This suggests they are closely related taxa.It is reasonable,therefore,to include these genera in Carinae Drude with the treatment of Harrysmithia as an independent genus to be doubted.
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  • 收稿日期:  2009-12-09
  • 修回日期:  2010-05-20
  • 发布日期:  2010-10-27


