基于厚朴(Magnolia officinalis)作为一种传统中药植物及分布区域广、环境异质化程度明显的现象,采用田间种源实验,对分布在中国7个省的14个种源厚朴苗期的生长性状进行了观测分析。结果表明,不同种源厚朴的苗期生长性状差异显著。种源遗传力分析表明,苗高和单株叶面积两个性状的遗传力较高,分别为0.93、0.79,可认为以苗高和单株叶面积为主的种源多性状综合选择改良潜力巨大。相关性分析表明各性状间遗传相关、表型相关、环境相关均存在一定的相关关系,单株叶面积和地上部生长性状的遗传相关程度高于地下部生长性状,表型显著相关的性状组合数量和程度低于遗传相关。厚朴苗期种源选择的首选因子为各生物量及单数叶面积性状,辅助因子为苗高和地径。通过系统聚类分析,初步选定景宁、武夷山、龙胜、开县、城固、宁强及洋县的种源为优良厚朴种源。
Magnolia officinalis is a traditional Chinese medicinal plant and results from our study will be significant for significant in environmental heterogeneity.Growth traits of M.officinalis seedlings from fourteen provenances introduced from seven provinces in China were measured during field experiments.The results showed there were significant differences among provenances.Seedling height and leaf area/plant had high hereditary capacity among provenances.Based on the results the potential for improvement in multiple characteristics is significant.Correlation analysis showed there were some relationships between phenotype,environment,and heredity for all traits.The correlation of heritability between leaf area/plant and growth traits of above-ground parts were greater than that between leaf area/plant and growth traits of under-ground parts,and significant correlations among heredity traits were higher than those among phenotype in number and degree of traits combination.We concluded that traits such as biomass,leaf area/plant,dry weight of above-ground part and dry weight of under-ground part should be considered as preference factors and seedling height and collar diameter as assistant factors when selecting seedlings.By cluster analysis,seven superior provenances were selected,which were Jingning,Wuyishan,Longsheng,Kaixian,Chenggu,Ningqiang,and Yangxian.