

Distribution and Conservation Strategy of EndangeredManglietia patungensis Hu

  • 摘要: 为了研究中国特有物种国家二级保护植物巴东木莲(Manglietia patungensis)的濒危机制,对巴东木莲的分布现状、生境进行了野外调查。原生巴东木莲的空间分布范围是北纬28°47′10″~30°51′53″,东经107°9′~110°38′9″;垂直分布为海拔374~1029m。湖北咸丰县尖山乡和湖南桑植五道水乡杨家坪村为巴东木莲的新分布点。从整体来看,巴东木莲的分布是不连续的、零星的,而且范围很狭窄;分布区的环境条件差异大。人类对巴东木莲的不合理利用及生境片断化是造成其野生资源迅速减少和许多现有种群不能自然更新的主要原因。还对巴东木莲的分布现状提出了相关的保护措施。只有采取保护优先、合理开发的措施,才可获得资源的可持续性利用。


    Abstract: In order to study the endangered mechanism of the national secondary protection species Manglietia patungensis, which is endemic to China, its distribution and habitats were (investigated).The geographical distribution range of Manglietia patungensis is between 28°47′10″-(30°51′53″) N in latitude, 107°9′-110°38′9″ E in longitude and 374-1029 m in altitude. (Jianshan) Town, Xianfeng County, Hubei Province and Yangjia Village, Wudaoshui Town, Sangzhi County, Hunan Province are two newly recorded distribution localities. On the whole, Manglietia patungensis is distributed sparsely and narrowly in quite different habitats. Many a populations can not regenerate naturally and its wild resource decrease rapidly due to unreasonable exploitation by human and fragmentation of habitats. Based on the present distribution of Manglietia patungensis, the conservation strategy is put forth. We propose that priority should be given to protection and steps be taken for reasonable exploitation so as to obtain (sustainable) utility of its resource.


