

杨顶田, 施国新, 陈伟民

杨顶田, 施国新, 陈伟民. Cr6+污染对水鳖的超微结构及菱、莼菜、黑藻细胞膜的影响[J]. 植物科学学报, 2001, 19(6): 483-488.
引用本文: 杨顶田, 施国新, 陈伟民. Cr6+污染对水鳖的超微结构及菱、莼菜、黑藻细胞膜的影响[J]. 植物科学学报, 2001, 19(6): 483-488.
YANG Ding-Tian, SHI Guo-Xin, CHEN Wei-Min. The Effects of Cr6+'s Pollution on the Ultrastructure of Hydrocharis dubia and Cell Membrane of H.verticillata,Brasenia schreberi,Trapa bispinosa[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2001, 19(6): 483-488.
Citation: YANG Ding-Tian, SHI Guo-Xin, CHEN Wei-Min. The Effects of Cr6+'s Pollution on the Ultrastructure of Hydrocharis dubia and Cell Membrane of H.verticillata,Brasenia schreberi,Trapa bispinosa[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2001, 19(6): 483-488.


  • 中图分类号: Q949.762.4;X503.23

The Effects of Cr6+'s Pollution on the Ultrastructure of Hydrocharis dubia and Cell Membrane of H.verticillata,Brasenia schreberi,Trapa bispinosa

  • 摘要: Cr6+污染对水鳖超微结构的影响主要表现在:胞间连丝呈现不同程度的断裂;细胞核出现各种各样的变形;叶绿体膨胀,其基粒解体。细胞损伤程度与Cr6+培养浓度呈正相关。Cr6+对水鳖、菱、莼菜和黑藻这几种水生高等植物的细胞膜影响主要表现在:质壁发生分离,质壁之间有黑色颗粒存在。在做生理验证时发现处理组的膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)和超氧阴离子(O2)均高于对照。
    Abstract: The effects of Cr6+'s pollution on the ultrastructure of Hydrocharis dubia mainly showed:plasmodesmata fractured,nuclei deformed in different ways,chloroplast enlarged,granum disorganized.Relationship between the le-vel of injured cell and cultural concentration was positive.On the Hydrocharis dubia,H.verticillata,Brasenia schreberi,Trapa bispinosa was plasmolysis and black grains emerged between cell wall and cell membrane;physiological test showed:contents of MDA and O2 were higher than that of control class.
  • 文章访问数:  1961
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  • PDF下载量:  1997
  • 被引次数: 0
  • 收稿日期:  2001-04-10
  • 修回日期:  2001-08-13
  • 发布日期:  2001-11-23


