

Evaluation of Five Ornamental Grasses from Pennisetum Rich. Grown in Beijing

  • 摘要: 在北京地区气候条件下评价了狼尾草‘紫光’(Pennisetum alopecuroides(L.)Spreng‘Ziguang’)、绒毛狼尾草(Pennisetum setaceum(Forssk.)Chiov.)、羽绒狼尾草(Pennisetum villosumR.Br.ex Fresen)、狼尾草‘小兔子’(Pennisetum alopecuroidesDesv.ex Ham‘Little Bunny’)和东方狼尾草(Pennisetum orientaleWilld.ex Rich.)的田间生长状况、越冬存活率、根系生物量分布和繁殖特性。结果表明,这5种植物在北京地区气候条件下,能正常发芽、生长、抽穗、开花和结实。其中狼尾草‘紫光’、绒毛狼尾草植株高大,分蘖旺盛,盛花期花序高度达135 cm和156 cm,植株茎数达156和217个/株,地上生物量达608.7和535.3 g/株,根系密集分布空间在距地表10~40 cm,距茎秆0~30 cm。狼尾草‘小兔子’和东方狼尾草株型矮小,株高为40 cm,植株茎数分别为162和108个/株,地上生物量分别为124.2和39.8 g/株,根系密集分布空间为距地表10~30 cm,距茎秆15~30 cm。羽绒狼尾草的茎秆半匍匐生长,分蘖能力强,盛花期花序高为79 cm,植株茎数为389个/株,地上生物量高达619.9 g/株,根系密集区为距地表0~30 cm,距茎秆0~30 cm。狼尾草‘紫光’、狼尾草‘小兔子’和东方狼尾草在北京地区能安全越冬,成活率为100%,羽绒狼尾草和绒毛狼尾草在自然条件下不能越冬,成活率为0。5种狼尾草都可以播种和分株的方式扩繁。


    Abstract: Field experiments conducted in Beijing to evaluate growth,overwintering,root distribution and propagation of 5 Pennisetum plants-Pennisetum alopecuroides(L.) Spreng’Ziguang’,Pennisetum setaceum(Forssk.) Chiov.,Pennisetum villosum R.Br.ex Fresen,Pennisetum alopecuroides Desv.ex Ham’Little Bunny’and Pennisetum orientale.Willd.ex Rich.All of the 5 species grown in Beijing region could germinate,well grow,bloom and produce seeds.P.alopecuroides’Ziguang’and P.setaceum grew up to 135 cm and 156 cm of inflorescences height,with 156 and 217 shoots per plant,and with 608.7 and 535.3 g/plant shoot dry biomass,respectively.Their root system mainly distributed from 10-40 cm to soil surface and 0-30 cm to the stem.Compare to above two,P.alopecuroides’Little Bunny’and P.orientale were relatively shorter,the maximum inflorescences height of them were 40 cm,with 162 and 108 shoots per plant and with 124.2 and 39.8 g/plant shoot dry biomass,respectively.While P.villosum with horizontal stems were 79 cm of foliage height,but with up to 389 shoots per plant,and the shoot dry biomass was 619.9 g/plant.Its root system mainly distributed 0-30 cm to soil surface and 0-30 cm to stem.Among all of them P.alopecuroides’Ziguang’,P.alopecuroides’Little Bunny’and P.orientale overwintering survival were 100%,while the overwintering survival of P.setaceum and P.villosum were 0% which indicate these two species could only be planted as annual plant.Moreover,results showed that all of them could be propagated both by sowing and division.


