

Seed Banks of a Lakeshore Wetland, Gahai Lake

  • 摘要: 在青藏高原湖泊尕海湖滨湿地的高寒草甸中,选取4个样地22个样点研究种子库基本组成及其与地表植被的关系。结果表明,尕海湖滨湿地种子库由13科34属37种湿生植物组成,平均为7400 seeds/m2,种类以一年生草本植物为主;地表植被由17科29属31种湿生植物构成,以多年生草本植物为主,种子库与地表植被组成的差异较为明显,符合高寒草甸的特征。总体而言,种子库垂直分布的各深度间种子密度有明显的相关性,土壤表层的种子库密度显著高于深层,在物种水平上,仅露蕊乌头Aconitum gymnandrum有这一趋势。种子库物种与水位变化研究表明,种子库中物种的生活型随着水位变化而发生变化:随着水位的升高,种子库中的优势种逐渐由以露蕊乌头为指示种的中生植物向以水毛茛Batrachium bungei为指示种的沉水植物过渡。本研究表明,尕海湖滨湿地种子库具有对受损湿地进行修复的潜在可能,同时水位对其分布有一定影响;如果是针对目标植物的选择性修复则要注意该物种是否存在于种子库中。


    Abstract: We selected 22 sample sites from four plots to determine the characteristics of seed banks of an alpine meadow in a lakeshore wetland,Gahai Lake in Tibetan plateau.The results show that seed banks were composed of 37 species,13 families,and 34 genera,while the above-ground species were comprised of 31 species,17 families,and 29 genera.The average seed density of the seed banks was 7400 seeds/m2,which were mainly annual species.Unlike the seed bank species,the above-ground species were mainly composed of perennials.These results are in accordance with the trait of an alpine meadow.The vertical distribution of seed banks showed great correlation among different layers.The density of the surface layer was significantly higher than the deeper ones.The life form of species in Gahai wetland was affected by the water depth: with increasing water depth,species life form changed from mesophyte with its indicator Aconitum gymnandrum to submerged ones with Batrachium bungei.Our study indicates that seed banks of Gahai likely buffered distribution from restored degraded wetland,while the hydrology had to be taken into account.As for the target species,whether they are absent in the seed bank is essential for restoration.


