Chromosomal Studies on Seven Species of Indigofera L.
摘要: 本文采用根尖压片法对豆科(Leguminosae)木蓝属(Indigofera L.)植物的7个种:多花木蓝(Indigofera amblyantha Craib)、河北木蓝(I.bungeana Walp.)、滇木蓝(I.delavayi Franch.)、腺毛木蓝(I.scabrida Dunn)、四川木蓝(I.szechuensis Craib)、刺序木蓝(I.silvestrii Pamp.)、尖叶木蓝(I.zollingeriana Miq.)的染色体数目和核型进行了研究。结果表明:除了尖叶木蓝染色体数目为2n=4x=32(四倍体)外,其余6种木蓝的染色体数目均为2n=2x=16(二倍体)。尖叶木蓝和刺序木蓝核型分类为2A型,其余5种木蓝的核型均为1A型。种间核型差异很小。供试种主要包含中部着丝点区染色体。滇木蓝、腺毛木蓝、刺序木蓝、四川木蓝和尖叶木蓝的核型分析为首次报道。Abstract: The chromosome number and karyotype of seven species of Indigofera L.were studied by applying the root tip squash technique.Results show that six species were diploid(2n= 2x=16),while Indigofera zollingeriana Miq.was tetraploid(2n= 2x= 32).The karyotypes of I.zollingeriana Miq.and I.silvestrii Pamp.belonged to 2A,while the others were 1A.The karyological difference between species was small.Most chromosomes in the tested seven species were metacentric.The karyomorphology of I.delavayi Franch.,I.scabrida Dunn,I.silvestrii Pamp.,I.szechuensis Craib and I.zollingeriana Miq.are reported here for the first time.
- Indigofera /
- Chromosome number /
- Karyotype
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