Jigongshan National Nature Reserve is located between 31°46'-31°51' N Lat.and 114°01'-114°06' E Long.in Xinyang City,Henan Province.Systematic investigation and study including field investigation,specimen collection,taxonomic study and literature retrieval demonstrated that there are 15 species and 1 variety of the genus
Rubus L.in the National Nature Reserve and the resource deposits of the genus are abundant.Some of them have great potentialitys in aspects of food,medicine and industry,such as
Rubus corchorifolius L.f.and R.parvifolius L.These species not only can be used as industrial materials for brewing wine and extracting tannin compound,but also are valuable for edible and medicinal use.Therefore,exploitation and utilization of the plant resources of
Rubus L.in the nature reserve in a planned way will be very helpful to the development of the local economy.