
铁皮石斛(Dendrobium catenatum)快速繁殖的研究进展——兼论其学名与中名的正误

Recent Developments in the Study of Rapid Propagation of Dendrobium catenatum Lindl.with a Discussion on its Scientific and Chinese Names

  • 摘要: 铁皮石斛是中国长期使用的名贵药用植物。近20年来,该药用植物的研究和生产已取得了显著的进展。本文系根据文献信息和在中国兰科植物种质资源保护中心的多年实验,对铁皮石斛快速繁殖研究的进展做一简要总结和评价。鉴于该种植物的学名和中名在不少文献中存在使用混乱,本文将在命名上和分类上予以澄清。笔者认为铁皮石斛的学名应当用其最早的合法名称Dendrobium catenatum Lindl.,而中名则应当用其最为常用的"铁皮石斛"。


    Abstract: Dendrobium catenatum Lindl.has been used as a valuable medicinal herb in China for a long time.In the last twenty years,research and production of this medicinal plant have made significant progress.The present paper attempts to make a brief summary,as well as an evaluation,of the recent developments in the study of rapid propagation of this species,based on both document information and our own experiments in the National Orchid Conservation Center of China.In view of the confusion related to its scientific and Chinese names found in the literature,a nomenclatural and taxonomic clarification is provided here.We suggest that Dendrobium catenatum Lindl.,the earliest legitimate name,should be used as its scientific name,and "Tie Pi Shi Hu",the most popular name in China,as its Chinese name.


