

屈婷婷, 陈立艳, 章志宏, 胡中立, 李平, 朱立煌, 朱英国

屈婷婷, 陈立艳, 章志宏, 胡中立, 李平, 朱立煌, 朱英国. 水稻籼粳交DH群体苗期耐冷性基因的分子标记定位[J]. 植物科学学报, 2003, 21(5): 385-389.
引用本文: 屈婷婷, 陈立艳, 章志宏, 胡中立, 李平, 朱立煌, 朱英国. 水稻籼粳交DH群体苗期耐冷性基因的分子标记定位[J]. 植物科学学报, 2003, 21(5): 385-389.
QU Ting-Ting, CHEN Li-Yan, ZHANG Zhi-Hong, HU Zhong-Li, LI Ping, ZHU Li-Huang, ZHU Ying-Guo. Molecular Mapping of Genes Conferring Cold Tolerance at Seedling Stage Using Doubled Haploid Lines from An indica-japonica Cross in Rice[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2003, 21(5): 385-389.
Citation: QU Ting-Ting, CHEN Li-Yan, ZHANG Zhi-Hong, HU Zhong-Li, LI Ping, ZHU Li-Huang, ZHU Ying-Guo. Molecular Mapping of Genes Conferring Cold Tolerance at Seedling Stage Using Doubled Haploid Lines from An indica-japonica Cross in Rice[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2003, 21(5): 385-389.




  • 中图分类号: Q943;S511

Molecular Mapping of Genes Conferring Cold Tolerance at Seedling Stage Using Doubled Haploid Lines from An indica-japonica Cross in Rice

  • 摘要: 水稻苗期低温冷害导致的烂秧现象是水稻生产中重要的限制因素之一。以一个水稻籼粳交(圭630/02428)DH群体为材料,在幼苗3叶1心时用10℃低温处理3d,随后恢复培养,以恢复培养5d后的秧苗成活率(%)为指标,鉴定该DH群体的苗期耐冷性。利用已构建的RFLP连锁图谱和基于混合线性模型的定位软件QTL Mapper1.0对水稻苗期耐冷性进行QTL分析,检测到控制水稻苗期耐冷性的3个QTLs,分别位于第3、11、12染色体上,贡献率分别为7.9%、18.3%和24.4%,其增效等位基因均来自于亲本"02428"。同时检测到控制水稻苗期耐冷性的上位性互作位点8个,分散分布于第2、7、8、9、11染色体上,其中有2对互作的贡献率在15%左右,这2对互作的增效基因型均为来自2个亲本的重组基因型。苗期耐冷性在2个亲本间差异很大,在DH群体中呈现出连续变异,有明显的超亲分离。这些结果表明,水稻苗期耐冷性是受多基因控制的数量性状,基因的上位性互作是其重要的遗传基础之一。
    Abstract: Chilling injury of rice seedling under natural field conditions is one of the most important limiting factors for rice production in many rice cropping regions.In the present study, seedling cold tolerance at 3 leaf stage of 81 doubled haploid (DH) lines derived from an indica japonica cross (indica cv.'Gui630'/japonica cv.'02428') of rice was investigated.The data combined with a previously constructed RFLP linkage map were used to map QTLs conferring seedling cold tolerance by a computer program QTLMapper1.0 based on mixed linear models.A total of 3 main effect QTLs and 8 epistatic loci for seedling cold tolerance were detected.Of which, 3 main effect QTLs individually accounted for 7.9%,18.3% and 24.4% of the total phenotypic variation respectively and they collectively explained 42.3% of the total phenotypic variation.These three QTLs were located onto rice chromosome 3,11 and 12 respectively and their positive alleles were all derived from the japonica parent '02428'.Among 8 epistatic loci,there were two pairs of epistatic interactions individually accounted for more than 15% of the phenoty pic variation and their two locus recombinants (interactions between alleles from the different parent) had positive effects.Great difference between the two parents in seedling cold tolerance was observed.Continuous variation and aggressive segregation for the trait were displayed in the 81 DH lines.These results suggested that the seedling cold tolerance of rice be quantitatively inherited and epistasis be one of major factors as its genetic basis.
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  • 收稿日期:  2003-04-10
  • 修回日期:  2003-06-23
  • 发布日期:  2003-10-23


