以太谷核不育小麦为母本与5个四倍体小麦种——硬粒小麦、波斯小麦、波兰小麦、埃及小麦、东方小麦为父本,进行杂交和回交。杂种F1育性分离比例是:不育株与可育株为1:1,染色体构型为14Ⅱ+7Ⅰ。不育株的回交后代是随着回交次数的增加,分离出的不育株数逐次减少,可育株数逐次增多,极显著偏离1:1;BC3不育株绝大多数染色体构型为14 Ⅱ+1 Ⅰ,带有一个单价体,BC3可育株染色体构型为14Ⅱ。杂种F1的可育株,其回交后代全是可育株,没有分离出1株不育株。以太谷核不育小麦为母本与3个六倍体小麦种—印度矮生小麦、瓦维洛夫小麦、密穗小麦为父本,进行杂交和回交,其后代育性分离比始终为1:1。测定结果表明:太谷核不育小麦的显性不育基因是在D组染色体的某个染色体上。因而这个基因不能直接导入不含有D组染色体的小麦种中去,如硬粒小麦。
In the present study, the crosses and backcrosses were conducted between the male sterile Taigu wheat(Triticum aestiturn)as the female parent and five tetraploid wheats as the male parents. F1 hybrids segregated in the ratio of sterile plants/fertile plants=1:1 and had the 14Ⅱ+7Ⅰ pairing configuration. All BC1 of F1 fertile plants were fertile, but the number of sterile plants in progenies from baekeross of the sterile F, decreased and that of fertile plants incree ased as the times of backcrosses increased.The pairing configuration of sterile BC3 plants was 14Ⅱ+1Ⅰ, but that of fertile BC3 plants was 14Ⅱ.When the sterile Taigu wheat was crossed with 3 hexaploid wheats,the fertility in their progenies constantly segregated in the ratio 1:1.The results show that the dominant male sterile gene of Taigu wheat is located on a chromosome of D genome, and the gene can not be directly transterred into a tetranloid wheat, like durum without D genome