The Distributional Feature of Plant in Lishui Ecology Demonstration Area
摘要: 1999年底被国务院批准设立为全国第4个生态示范区的丽水市(包括莲都区、缙云县、云和县、松阳县、遂昌县、庆元县、青田县、龙泉市和景宁畲族自治县),由于地形复杂,原生、次生林等保存较好,生态环境保持良好,植物资源极为丰富。笔者根据多年来对该地区的资源调查和标本采集统计,已知有维管束植物206科、940属、2881种,其中蕨类植物的种类和数量在中国东半部仅次于台湾和海南,尤其是鳞毛蕨属和复叶耳蕨属可以认为是在我国的一个分布中心,种子植物的种类和数量与邻近周边地区相比也占有明显优势,区内珍稀濒危植物众多,区系起源古老,不乏古老的种、属及残遗种,且区系成分复杂,来源于多种地理成分。Abstract: The fourth ecological demonstrative area of China--Lishui Ecology Demonstrate Area, which was approved to be set up by the state council in the end of 1999. The rich of plant resource owes to its complicated land forms, well reserved original and sub original forests and well-protected environmental ecology. According to many year's investigation and statistics to the collected, there are 206 families 940 genera and 2881 species of vascular plants of which the amount and species of Pteridophytes are only second to Taiwan and Hainan provinces in the east plant of China. Dryopteris and Arachniodes's plants are especially thought to be the center in distribution in our country, and the species and amount of seed plants are obviously superior to the neighbourhood. In the area, plenty of valuable and rare plants are in imminent threatened. The flora origin traces back early, many of whose families, genera and relic species are ancientry, and the flora elements are complicated coming from varieties of geographical types. The geographical distribution has relations with the other parts in the formation in the world.