Luya Mountain,located in the north of Lüliang Ranges,is situated between 38°36'~ 39°02'N latitude and 111°4 6'~ 112°54' Elongitude in Shanxi.There are 914 species of seed plants,belonged to 403genera and 84 families in L uya Mountain.The arealtypes of the genera and the species are abundant.Based on their geographical distribution,403genera are classified into15 areal-types,879species are classified 14 arealtypes.Analysis of the floristic elements based on genera and species shows that the temperate floristic elements are predominant in Luya Mountain.High percents of North Temperate distribution elements and Old World Temperate distribution elements of genera and Temperate Asia distribution elements and East Asia distribution elements of species show that this area is obvious temperate characteristics of the flora. Moreover the floristic geographic compositions of seed plants of L uya Mountain and some Mountains,China were studied by using principal componentanalysis,diversity indices and similarity analysis, respectively,and the results indicated that the floristic geographic composition of Luya Mountain was closely similar to thatof Changbai Mountains,Jilin,and Guandi Mountain,Shanxi.However,the floristic of L uya Mountain was comparatively different from that of Dabei Mountains,Henan,Lu Mountain, Jiangxi,Dahong Mountain,Hubei,and Jinghua Mountain,Zhejiang.