Chromosome counts are reported for eleven species and one subspecies of cultivated plants belonging to eight families from Shanghai.
Berberis chinensis Poir. (Berberidaceae) 2n=28;
Pyracantha fortuneana (Maxim.) Li (Rosaceae) 2n=34;
Indigofera pseudotinctoria Matsum. (Leguminosae) 2n=16;
Lespedeza cuneata(Dam. Cour.)G. Don (Leguminosae) 2n=20; the fact that most of the species heretofore known with 2n=20 in the genus Lespzdeza possess apetalous flowers, while species with 2n=22 are predominantly lack of apetalous flowers deserves further study;
Lespedeza thunbergii (DC.) Nakai ssp.
cathayana (Hsu et al.) Hsu et al.2n=22, reported for the first time;
Amorpha fruticosa L. (Legumiuosae)2n=40; Phyllanthus glaucus Wall. (Euphorbiaceae)2n=26, reported for the first time; Hypericum densiflorum Parsh. (Hyoericaceae) 2n=16;
Diospyros cathayensis Steward (Ebenaceae) 2n=60, reported for the first time; Ligustrum lucidum Ait. (Oleaceae) 2n=46, with a mixoploidy of two dif ferent numbers 2n=42, 44;
Ophiopogon chekiangensis Kimura et Migo (Liliaeeae) 2n=68,72, reported for the first time;
Liriope spioata Lour. (Liliaceae), 2n=108. The vouchers are preserved in the Herbarium of Fudan University.