本文报道了在正常分化芽和根、诱导芽或恨定向发生的白百利烟草(Nicotiana tabacum Baibaili)愈伤组织在生长过程中DNA、RNA和蛋白质变化的结果.MS+0.2mg/1NAA+0.2mg/1 KT诱导白百利烟草愈伤组织正常分化出芽和根,MS+0.05mg/1NAA+2mg/1KT诱导愈防组织定向地芽发生,MS+0.5mg/1NAA+0.05mg/1KT诱导愈伤组织定向地根发生.在定向诱导芽或根发生愈伤组织里的RNA和蛋白质合成的第一个高峰出现,比正常发生芽和根的愈伤组织里DNA、RNA和蛋白质的第一个高峰迟5天,在芽发生的愈伤组织里DNA峰出现也迟5天,在根发生的愈伤组织里DNA蜂,则相同于正常分化的愈伤组织DNA峰出现.外源的植物生长物质诱导器官定向发生的作用表现在RNA水平上.在三种分化状态的愈伤组织里,蛋白质组成在第8天表现出明显的差异.41KD和46KD蛋白质在器官的定向发生中可能起着相当重要的作用.
This paper studied the change of DNA, RNA and protein during growth of callus of Baibaili tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum Baihaili) with bad, root aud both bud and root differentiation respectively. The culture media containing MS+NAA 0.2 mg/l+KT 0.2 mg/l, MS+NAA 0.05 mg/l+KT 2 mg/l and MS+NAA 0.5 mg/l+KT 0.05 mg/l respectively induced Baibaili tobacco callus to he both bud and root, bud, and root organogensis. The peaks of DNA, RNA and protein in callus with bud differentiation and the peaks of RNA and protein in root differentiation were five days later than the peaks of DNA, RNA and protein in callus with both bud and rootThe peak of DNA in callus with root differentiation was the same as in callus with both bud and root differentiation. It seems that the influence of exogenous growth regulators inducing orientation organogensis is on RNA.There was notable different in the compositions of soluble protein of callus with bud, root and both bud and root differentiation. It also seems that 41 KD and 46 KD proteins might have important actions in orientation organogensis.