The mixed needleleaf and broadleaf forest on subtropical mountain is a vertical zonal vegetational type of humic subtropics. Analysis of its phytocoenological features realizes that, its physiognomy is characterized by the leathery, simpleleaved, nanophyllous type of evergreen needleleaf macrophanerophytes and micro and mesophyllous types of evergreen broadleaf macro and mesophanerophytes, the herbaceous, simple-leaved, micro and mesophyllous types of deciduous broadleaf macro and mesophanerophytes also occupy certain position. As the structure of the community, from the aerial top to the for est floor, there are three layers, namely, the tree layer, the shrub layer and the herbaceous layer, occurs moss layer on some low laying lands. Moreover,the tree layer can be subdivided into three sublayers. Synusia structure is considerably comples, and each layer has distinct dominant synusia. The liana is very few, but moss epiphytes grow luxuriantly at the trunks and branches of trees on the low laying land. Floristic composition of the community is domihated by endamic Chinese subtropical plant species. This condition indicates that it can be considered as a special vegetational type of humic Chinese subtropics. From the research of community population, it is the relative stable community type suited with local environment.At present, the area of such forest is not large, and it is necessary to be protected intensively. Tsuga species are worth introduction and cultivation.