Holcoglossum auriculatum,A New Species ofOrchidaceae from China
摘要: 对产于云南的兰科新种耳唇槽舌兰(Holcoglossum auriculatum)进行了描述和绘图。该新种具有显著特征:萼片与花瓣基部有长爪;花瓣边缘具不规则齿或呈啮蚀状;唇瓣椭圆状圆形,边缘有短流苏或啮蚀状流苏,基部有爪和耳,极易区别于该属已知的种类,包括它的近缘种白唇槽舌兰(H.subulifolium)。Abstract: Holcoglossum auriculatum Z.J.Liu,S.C.Chen et X.H.Jin,a new species of Orchidaceae from Yunnan,is described and illustrated.This is a remarkable new species quite distinct from those known to us,including its ally H.subulifolium(Rchb.f.)Christenson,by having long-clawed sepals and petals,irregularly denticulate- or erose-margined petals and a peculiar lip which is elliptic-orbicular,shortly fimbriate or erose-fimbriate on the margins and clawed and auriculate at the base.