During the years of 1982—1987, the author had made a number of collections of the algal specimans——about 1000 numbers in 36 counties and cities of Anhui. The identified result shows that there are about 150 species of Chlorococcales.The 11 species and 1 variety reported in this paper are recorded for the first time in China. They are
Ankistrodesmus spiralis var. fasciculatus G. M. Smith,
Characium ambiguum Herm.,
Dictyosphaerium reniforme Bulnheim,
Hofmania appendiculata Chodat, Kirchneriella elongata G. M. Smith, Lambertia ocellata Korschikov, Nephrochlamys subsolitaria(G. S. West) Korschikov, Quadrigula closlerioides (Bohlin) Printz, Quadrigula lacustris (Chod.)G. M. Smith, Tetradesmus lunatus Korschikov, Tetrastrum alpinum Schmidle and Tetrastrum glabrum (Roll) Ahlstrom et Tiffany.