In recent years, frequent hail disasters in Liupanshui (Guizhou Province) have seriously damaged the local kiwifruit industry. This study aimed to elucidate the effects of different colored anti-hail nets on the leaf photosynthetic characteristics, fruit maturity, storage, and quality of
Actinidia chinensis Planch. ‘Donghong’ cultivated in a commercial adult orchard in Liupanshui, providing a theoretical basis for anti-hail application and promotion. Green and white anti-hail nets were established within the same block, with adjacent uncovered vines serving as the control. Leaf photosynthetic characteristics prior to the commercial harvest of fruit, fruit maturity close to the commercial harvest window, storage performance at low temperatures, and postharvest fruit quality were compared among the three treatments. Results indicated that both anti-hail nets reduced the external photosynthetic active radiation above the canopy. However, the green anti-hail net significantly decreased the net photosynthetic rate of leaves, while the white anti-hail net and control treatment showed no significant differences. Both anti-hail nets slightly reduced the dry matter of fruit at harvest, particularly the green anti-hail net treatment. The white anti-hail net increased soluble solids content (SSC) of the fruit at the same harvest period. During cold storage (1 ℃–2 ℃), both treatments slightly mitigated the decline in fruit firmness within the first six weeks compared to the control, but no significant differences were observed throughout subsequent storage among the three treatments. Compared to the control, both net treatments significantly induced the rate of fruit decay after 16 weeks of cold storage and 7 d of shelf-life at 20 ℃, with the green anti-hail net treatment showing the highest fruit rot rate (2.04% after 16 weeks of cold storage and 10.33% after 7 d of shelf-life). The control fruit exhibited better overall sensory quality, although there were no significant differences in the various sensory indices among the three treatments. In terms of internal quality for ripe fruit stored after 12 weeks of cold storage, the control fruit had slightly higher SSC due to greater dry matter accumulation at harvest, while most other quality indices, including total acidity, SSC/acidity ratio, sugar/acidity ratio, total phenol, total flavonoid, and vitamin C, showed no significant differences among the three treatments, although both net treatments slightly affected pigment content. Under net installation, the white anti-hail net is preferable, as it did not produce a large negative effect on fruit storage performance and quality.