

郑帅, 韩世明, 郑浩, 徐明, 苑馨予, 董家琦, 钟彩虹, 张琼

郑帅,韩世明,郑浩,徐明,苑馨予,董家琦,钟彩虹,张琼. 猕猴桃AcSWEET基因家族的鉴定与表达分析[J]. 植物科学学报,2024,42(5):612−623. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.23329
引用本文: 郑帅,韩世明,郑浩,徐明,苑馨予,董家琦,钟彩虹,张琼. 猕猴桃AcSWEET基因家族的鉴定与表达分析[J]. 植物科学学报,2024,42(5):612−623. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.23329
Zheng S,Han SM,Zheng H,Xu M,Yuan XY,Dong JQ,Zhong CH,Zhang Q. Identification and expression analysis of the AcSWEET gene family in Actinidia chinensis Planch.[J]. Plant Science Journal,2024,42(5):612−623. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.23329
Citation: Zheng S,Han SM,Zheng H,Xu M,Yuan XY,Dong JQ,Zhong CH,Zhang Q. Identification and expression analysis of the AcSWEET gene family in Actinidia chinensis Planch.[J]. Plant Science Journal,2024,42(5):612−623. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.23329
郑帅,韩世明,郑浩,徐明,苑馨予,董家琦,钟彩虹,张琼. 猕猴桃AcSWEET基因家族的鉴定与表达分析[J]. 植物科学学报,2024,42(5):612−623. CSTR: 32231.14.PSJ.2095-0837.23329
引用本文: 郑帅,韩世明,郑浩,徐明,苑馨予,董家琦,钟彩虹,张琼. 猕猴桃AcSWEET基因家族的鉴定与表达分析[J]. 植物科学学报,2024,42(5):612−623. CSTR: 32231.14.PSJ.2095-0837.23329
Zheng S,Han SM,Zheng H,Xu M,Yuan XY,Dong JQ,Zhong CH,Zhang Q. Identification and expression analysis of the AcSWEET gene family in Actinidia chinensis Planch.[J]. Plant Science Journal,2024,42(5):612−623. CSTR: 32231.14.PSJ.2095-0837.23329
Citation: Zheng S,Han SM,Zheng H,Xu M,Yuan XY,Dong JQ,Zhong CH,Zhang Q. Identification and expression analysis of the AcSWEET gene family in Actinidia chinensis Planch.[J]. Plant Science Journal,2024,42(5):612−623. CSTR: 32231.14.PSJ.2095-0837.23329


基金项目: 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA24030404);果树种质创新与利用湖北省重点实验室开放课题(GSSZ202301);贵州省高等学校猕猴桃资源开发与利用重点实验室项目(黔教技[2022]054);六盘水市科技计划项目(52020-2020-0906);陕西省重点研发计划项目(2023-ZDLNY-24);六盘水师范学院项目(LPSSY2023XKTD09,Lpssyzxxm202304)。




    钟彩虹: E-mail:zhongch@wbgcas.cn

    张琼: qiongzhang@wbgcas.cn


  • 中图分类号: Q943.2

Identification and expression analysis of the AcSWEET gene family in Actinidia chinensis Planch.

  • 摘要:

    SWEET(Sugars will eventually be exported transporters)是近年来在植物中发现的一组糖转运蛋白,在植物生长、发育和非生物及生物胁迫响应等多种生理过程中发挥着重要作用。本研究利用生物信息学方法对猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis Planch.)AcSWEET基因家族进行了鉴定,共获得29个AcSWEET基因,并对其氨基酸数量、相对分子量、等电点、不稳定系数、亚细胞定位、亲水指数进行了分析。结果显示:29个基因编码的氨基酸数目为680~906个;分子量范围为7.531~101.266 kDa,等电点在6.95~9.90,多数蛋白为定位于细胞膜的疏水性蛋白,具有1~2个MtN3结构域或PQ-loop结构域。此外,AcSWEET基因的外显子数量在4~6个,系统进化分析结果表明猕猴桃AcSWEET基因家族被分为4个亚族,同一亚族基因具有相似的内含子、外显子以及保守基序。表达模式分析结果表明,这些基因在果实不同发育时期具有表达特异性。推测AcSWEET26AcSWEET7AcSWEET15AcSWEET13可能参与猕猴桃的蔗糖转运和积累。


    The sugar will eventually be exported transporters (SWEET) are a recently discovered group of sugar transporters in plants, which play important roles in various physiological processes, such as plant growth, development, and abiotic and biotic stress. This study aimed to characterize the Actinidia chinensis Planch. SWEET gene family and analyze its expression during fruit development using bioinformatics methods. A total of 29 AcSWEET genes were identified, and their amino acid quantity, relative molecular weights, isoelectric points, instability coefficients, subcellular localizations, and hydrophilicity indices were analyzed. Results showed that the 29 AcSWEET genes encoded proteins with amino acid lengths ranging from 680 to 906 residues, molecular weights between 7.531 kDa and 101.266 kDa, and isoelectric points between 6.95 and 9.9. Most proteins were relatively stable hydrophobic, and localized on the cell membrane, containing 1–2 MtN3 domains. Additionally, gene structure, conserved motifs, evolutionary relationships, cis-regulatory elements, and expression patterns at different developmental stages of fruit development were systematically analyzed. Results indicated that the AcSWEET genes had 4–6 exons. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the kiwifruit SWEET gene family was divided into four subgroups, responsible for transporting glucose, fructose, and sucrose. Genes within the same subgroup shared similar intron-exon structures and conserved motifs. Expression pattern analysis during kiwifruit development indicated that the AcSWEET genes exhibited stage-specific expression. We speculated that AcSWEET26, AcSWEET7, AcSWEET15, and AcSWEET13 may be involved in sucrose transport and accumulation in kiwifruit.

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  • 图  1   AcSWEET基因在染色体上的分布

    Figure  1.   Distribution of AcSWEET genes on chromosomes

    图  2   SWEET基因家族系统进化树

    Figure  2.   Phylogenetic tree of SWEET gene family

    图  3   AcSWEET基因家族启动子顺式作用元件

    Figure  3.   Cis-regulatory elements of AcSWEET gene family promoters

    图  4   不同发育阶段猕猴桃AcSWEET基因家族表达量分析

    Figure  4.   Expression levels of AcSWEET gene family at different developmental stages

    图  5   AcSWEET基因在猕猴桃果实不同发育时间的表达分析

    A为FPKM值, B为荧光定量PCR结果。不同小写字母表示在P<0.05水平上差异显著。

    Figure  5.   Expression analysis of AcSWEET genes at different developmental stages

    A shows FPKM values, B shows result of qRT-PCR. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at P<0.05 level.

    图  6   ‘东红’猕猴桃果实蔗糖、果糖及葡萄糖含量

    Figure  6.   Sucrose, fructose and glucose contents in ‘Donghong’ fruit

    表  1   实时荧光定量PCR引物

    Table  1   Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction primers

    Gene name
    正向引物 (5′–3′)
    Forward primer
    Reverse primer
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    表  2   AcSWEET基因家族成员信息

    Table  2   Information on AcSWEET gene family members

    Sequence ID
    Number of amino acids
    MW / Da
    Theoretical pI
    Instability index
    Aliphatic index
    Hydrophobicity scales
    Subcellular localization
    Chromosome location
    AcSWEET1 Ach05g06950DH 68 7 531.83 8.03 29.09 117.65 0.469 叶绿体 5
    AcSWEET2 Ach06g07770DH 245 2 7196.90 6.95 47.57 103.39 0.568 质膜 6
    AcSWEET3 Ach06g08520DH 236 26 023.09 9.36 35.65 119.36 0.876 液泡膜 6
    AcSWEET4 Ach10g04100DH 253 27 658.05 9.57 29.51 114.82 0.590 质膜 10
    AcSWEET5 Ach10g10290DH 236 26 340.97 9.31 35.04 95.42 0.163 细胞核 10
    AcSWEET6 Ach11g04370DH 252 27 746.95 9.37 34.26 109.44 0.512 质膜 11
    AcSWEET7 Ach13g04100DH 288 32 042.07 6.99 36.66 120.14 0.694 质膜 13
    AcSWEET8 Ach13g17010DH 234 25 814.53 8.80 36.02 111.58 0.684 质膜 13
    AcSWEET9 Ach14g03170DH 198 21 765.16 9.71 29.99 120.51 0.703 质膜 14
    AcSWEET10 Ach14g03210DH 186 20 525.26 9.91 31.15 117.96 0.334 质膜 14
    AcSWEET11 Ach16g04520DH 103 11 850.58 4.93 40.50 73.79 −0.449 细胞质 16
    AcSWEET12 Ach16g04530DH 136 15 558.83 9.44 31.10 129.78 0.856 质膜 16
    AcSWEET13 Ach16g04540DH 287 32 139.66 9.39 38.65 117.46 0.778 质膜 16
    AcSWEET14 Ach16g06160DH 238 26 764.96 9.10 37.01 115.46 0.671 质膜 16
    AcSWEET15 Ach17g10410DH 275 30 968.82 7.61 35.74 111.35 0.656 质膜 17
    AcSWEET16 Ach17g10420DH 132 14 617.52 9.08 49.24 108.71 0.679 叶绿体 17
    AcSWEET17 Ach18g07250DH 250 28 204.71 9.37 44.39 115.76 0.554 质膜 18
    AcSWEET18 Ach19g02550DH 296 33 224.04 8.46 35.78 130.57 0.841 质膜 19
    AcSWEET19 Ach19g10330DH 304 33 198.18 9.49 29.29 111.48 0.346 质膜 19
    AcSWEET20 Ach19g11300DH 906 101 266.08 9.61 46.80 86.35 −0.272 质膜 19
    AcSWEET21 Ach21g07220DH 252 27 533.77 9.59 28.91 114.17 0.663 质膜 21
    AcSWEET22 Ach23g12130DH 235 26 009.82 9.30 45.47 118.64 0.802 液泡膜 23
    AcSWEET23 Ach24g12310DH 244 27 010.81 8.48 35.30 116.23 0.618 质膜 24
    AcSWEET24 Ach25g05410DH 259 28 487.96 9.63 43.00 115.52 0.558 液泡膜 25
    AcSWEET25 Ach26g07610DH 183 20 725.66 8.49 41.84 114.48 0.680 液泡膜 26
    AcSWEET26 Ach26g09140DH 290 32 463.83 8.77 38.39 114.93 0.722 质膜 26
    AcSWEET27 Ach26g09150DH 340 38 910.41 9.24 48.76 88.85 0.107 质膜 26
    AcSWEET28 Ach27g01830DH 81 9 064.60 9.30 39.94 101.11 0.251 叶绿体 27
    AcSWEET29 Ach28g11120DH 261 29 612.67 8.97 37.55 117.36 0.777 质膜 28
    注:亲水指数为负值表示亲水性,正值表示疏水性;不稳定指数大于 40 为不稳定蛋白;脂溶指数小于 100 为脂溶蛋白。
    Notes: For total average hydrophilicity, a negative value indicates hydrophilicity, while a positive value indicates hydrophobicity; Instability index greater than 40 indicates an unstable protein; Lipid solubility index less than 100 indicates lipid soluble protein.
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    表  3   猕猴桃果实发育过程中糖含量及候选基因的相关性

    Table  3   Correlation of sugar content and candidate genes at different developmental stages

    蔗糖 1
    葡萄糖 0.960** 1
    果糖 0.977** 0.975** 1
    AcSWEET7 0.754** 0.664* 0.751** 1
    AcSWEET13 0.677* 0.698* 0.694* 0.466 1
    AcSWEET15 0.773** 0.686* 0.776** 0.972** 0.411 1
    AcSWEET26 0.541 0.467 0.549 0.542 0.397 0.693* 1
    AcSWEET29 0.904** 0.836** 0.915** 0.910** 0.566 0.934** 0.647* 1
    Notes: *: P<0.05; **: P<0.01.
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