Analyzing Fetid Odors from Paederia foetida Linn. and Chicken Manure and Deciphering Their Educational Functions
摘要: 自然界中动植物的名称通常是根据其生物学特征来命名的,弄清这些名称与科学特征的关系是进行科普和自然教育的重要途径。本研究以中国科学院昆明植物研究所昆明植物园引种栽培的鸡矢藤(Paederia foetida Linn.)为研究对象,采用顶空固相微萃取(SPME)和气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用法收集分析了该物种叶片的挥发性臭味成分,并与人工饲养条件下鸡的排泄物(鸡粪)的臭味成分进行比较。结果表明,鸡矢藤叶释放的挥发性成分以2-己烯醛(34.3%)、2-己烯醇(19.7%)和二甲基二硫(6.9%)为主,而鸡粪的臭味成分以吲哚(22.6%)、二甲基三硫(15.5%)和苯酚(9.5%)为主,二者存在很大差异。鸡矢藤和鸡粪均呈现臭味,植物分类学家基于对臭味的信号识别将鸡矢藤俗称为“鸡屎藤”有一定的合理性,但严格意义上鸡矢藤和鸡粪的臭味组成成分差异显著。本研究为科学普及和开展自然教育,激发公众好奇心,促进公众探索未知自然提供了新的视角。Abstract: Many animals and plants have been named based on their biological characteristics. Deciphering the relationships between scientific features and names of organisms can be an important pathway for nature education programs. In this study, fetid odors from Paederia foetida Linn. and chicken manure were investigated using headspace solid-phase micro-extraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The plants were collected from the Kunming Botanical Garden, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The analyses revealed a significant difference in the composition of volatile compounds between P. foetida and chicken manure. The main compounds isolated from the leaves of P. foetida were 2-hexenal (34.3%), 2-hexen-1-ol (19.7%) and dimethyl disulfide (6.9%), whereas the main compounds isolated from chicken manure were indole (22.6%), dimethyl trisulfide (15.5%) and phenol (9.5%). Although the smell of P. foetida has led to its common name ‘chicken manure vine’, the real composition of volatile compounds from the vine differs significantly from that of chicken manure. This study could provide new insights into developing public and environmental education, stimulating public curiosity and promoting public discovery of nature.
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