Analysis of Phenotypic Diversity of Paeonia lactiflora Cultivars in Yangzhou
摘要: 于2015年对扬州大学芍药种质资源圃中170个芍药(Paeonia lactiflora Pall.)栽培品种进行了全面调查,记录和分析了11种性状多样性。结果表明,芍药栽培品种具有丰富的表型多样性,平均多样性指数为1.538,总体上数量性状形态多样性指数大于质量性状。通过主成分分析,筛选出特征值大于1的前5个主成分,贡献率大小依次为花瓣宽度、株高、雄蕊数量、叶色和茎粗。聚类分析结果表明,不同芍药栽培品种间的平均遗传距离约为10.0,其聚类组群结果与芍药的株高有较大的相关性。Abstract: We conducted a general survey on 170 cultivars of Paeonia lactiflora in Yangzhou University in 2015. The diversity of 11 different phenotypic traits were recorded and analyzed. The P. lactiflora cultivars exhibited rich phenotypic diversity, with an average diversity index of 1.538. Overall, the diversity index of quantitative traits was higher than that of the qualitative traits. Principal components analysis (PCA) revealed the top five principal components, with eigenvalues higher than one. The phenotypes selected from the five principal components reflected most of the information on the 170 types of P. lactiflora. The five morphological traits with the highest contribution rates were petal width, plant height, stamen number, leaf color and stem diameter. Through cluster analysis, the average genetic distance between different varieties was about 10.0, indicating that phenotypic variation was relatively high. Plant height and peony cluster results were strongly correlated.
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