Study on Epiphytic Bryophytes Species Diversity of Forest Ecosystems in the Ancient Rock Stream Periglacial Landform of the Liaoning Eastern Mountains
摘要: 基于9个20 m×30 m森林群落样地的调查数据,采用物种丰富度、α和β多样性指数,对辽东山地古石河冰缘地貌不同林型石生、树生苔藓植物物种多样性进行定量研究,采用皮尔逊相关分析方法对其影响因素进行分析。结果显示,古石河冰缘地貌苔藓植物共有26科46属59种;不同林型石生、树生苔藓植物物种丰富度和α多样性指数均为:暗针叶林 > 针阔混交林 > 落叶阔叶林;石生苔藓植物β多样性指数最高为落叶阔叶林-针阔混交林间(0.44),最低为落叶阔叶林-暗针叶林间(0.33);树生苔藓植物β多样性指数最高为针阔混交林-暗针叶林间(0.40),最低为落叶阔叶林-暗针叶林间(0.25);分析表明,林冠层郁闭度、海拔高度是影响辽东山地古石河冰缘地貌森林生态系统苔藓物种多样性的重要因子。Abstract: Based on survey data obtained from nine forest communities (20 m×30 m), the species richness and α and β diversity indices were used to quantify the bryophyte species diversity in different forest types of the ancient rock stream periglacial landform in the Liaoning Eastern Mountains, with the influencing factors determined by Pearson Correlation. The results suggested that epiphytic bryophytes in the periglacial landforms consisted of 26 families, 46 genera, and 59 species. The α diversity and species richness indices of the rock and tree epiphytic bryophytes were ranked dark coniferous forest > theropencedrymion > broad-leaved deciduous forest. For the rock epiphytic bryophytes, the highest β diversity was found in the broad-leaved deciduous and theropencedrymion forests (0.44), whereas the lowest β diversity was found in the broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests (0.33). For the tree epiphytic bryophytes, the highest β diversity was recorded in the theropencedrymion and dark coniferous forests (0.40), whereas the lowest β diversity was recorded in the broad-leaved and dark coniferous forests (0.25). Correlation analysis showed that canopy and altitude were the most important ecological factors affecting the species diversity of the epiphytic bryophytes in the ancient rock stream periglacial landform of the Liaoning East Mountains.
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