Aspidistra radiata, a New Species of Asparagaceae from Yunnan Province, China
摘要: 报道了产自云南天门冬科蜘蛛抱蛋属(Aspidistra Ker Gawler)一新种——辐射蜘蛛抱蛋(A.radiata G.W.Hu&Q.F.Wang)。该种与春秀蜘蛛抱蛋(A.chunxiuensis C.R.Lin&Y.Liu)相近,但该种因叶鞘3~4枚;总花梗较短,长5~9.5 cm,苞片5~7枚;花被裂片较多,常16(偶14或18)深裂,花被筒扁钵形,花被裂片较长,为65~76 mm,基部较宽,为13~16 mm;雄蕊16(偶14或18)枚;柱头上表面中央隆起区从中央向边缘具8(偶7或9)条呈辐射状排列的紫黑色、花瓣状隆起,每个花瓣状隆起的中央具沟槽等特征而与后者不同。辐射蜘蛛抱蛋亦与巨花蜘蛛抱蛋(A.grandiflora Tillich)近缘,但巨花蜘蛛抱蛋的叶片为狭倒卵形,(50×11)cm,基部狭楔形;花被裂片较短,为50~60 mm;柱头上表面中央具5条紫色辐射状的肋而有别于辐射蜘蛛抱蛋。Abstract: A new species of Asparagaceae,Aspidistra radiata G.W.Hu & Q.F.Wang,from Yunnan,China,is described and illustrated.The new species is similar to A.chunxiuensis,but differs in its vaginate leaves 3-4,peduncle 5-9.5 cm long,with 5-7 bracts,perigone deeply 16 (occasionally 14 or 18) lobed apically; perigone tube alms bowl-shaped,inside with 16 (occasionally 14 or 18) keels on the mouth; lobes 65-76 mm long,13-16 mm wide at the base; stamens 16 (occasionally 14 or 18); bumped center of the stigma upper surface with 8 (occasionally 7 or 9) radiate,dark purple,petal-like ridges from the center to the margin,and a groove in each ridge.A.grandiflora is also similar to the new species,but differs in its leaf blade narrowly obovate,(50×11) cm,base narrowly cuneate; perigone lobes shorter,50-60 mm long; and stigma upper surface with 5 purple radial ribs in the center.
- Asparagaceae /
- Aspidistra /
- Nomenclature /
- Taxonomy
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