Characters of Leaf Epidermis and Their Systematic Significance in Smilacina
摘要: 采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对鹿药属12种植物的叶表皮进行了观察,首次报道了12种鹿药属(Smilacina)植物叶表皮的微形态特征。结果表明:气孔器普遍存在于叶的下表皮,少数种的上表皮也有分布,均为不规则形。叶表皮细胞形状为多边形或不规则形,垂周壁式样可区分为近平直、浅波状和波状。在扫描电镜下,叶表皮气孔器外拱盖内缘为近平滑、浅波状或波状;角质膜条纹状,有的条纹隆起,有的条纹上附有颗粒和晶簇。气孔器的分布、气孔器外拱盖内缘形态以及角质膜等特征对该属部分种的区分具有一定的参考价值。Abstract: Epidermal characters of mature leaves in 12 species were investigated under both light microscope(LM) and scanning electron microscope(SEM).It was shown that the stomata were irregular and existed in abaxial epidermis in all the species examined,and in the adaxial epidermis in some species.The leaf epidermal cells were usually irregular or polygonal in shape.The patterns of anticlinal walls were slightly straight,sinuolate or sinuous.Under SEM,the inner margin of the outer stomatal rim was nearly smooth,sinuolate or sinuous,and the outicular membrane of the leaf epidermis was stripe,sometimes stripe apophysis,occasionally granules,druse.Stomatal and other epidermal features can be used for distinguishing some species.
- Smilacina /
- Characters of leaf epidermis /
- Systematic significance
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